Understanding The Different Types Of Trademarks

As a business owner, you undoubtedly want to create products or services that are unique and instantly recognizable. One thing that can help you to do that is to "trademark" the things that are specifically related to your business and brand, such as your slogans, your mascots, your designs, and the like. Fortunately, applying for and getting a trademark for these types of things is usually relatively easy. In fact, the hardest part, more often than not, is just determining what type of trademark you need and then filling out the right paperwork to apply for it.

3 Services to Look for When Hiring a Court Reporter

Are you thinking about hiring a court reporter? If so, you might be unsure of which individual or agency to use. This will depend on a few things, such as the services that you need and how much you can afford to spend. These are a few things that you might want to look for when hiring one of these professionals, however. 1. Video Services First of all, you should know that nowadays, many court reporters actually offer video services.

Why You Need A Lawyer's Help In Formulating A Social Media Policy As An Employer

As millions of people turn to Facebook each day for socialization, reading the news, and posting funny pictures, employers are naturally concerned about how employee social media use reflects back on their company. The news is full of stories involving employees who were fired or at least put on probation for inflammatory or offensive material, but these firings are not always judged as legal or fair. Find out what makes it tricky to craft an employer social media policy so you can tread through this minefield carefully.

2 Tips to Keep in Mind Before Returning to Work After a Workers Comp Claim

If you suffered an injury at work, you may be eager to go back to work and get back to your "real life." However, it is very important to make sure you don't return to work until you have fully recovered from your injury. Not only can returning to work before you are ready put your health in jeopardy now, but it can affect your ability to seek any additional worker's compensation benefits you deserve later.